Think That New Sports Stadium Helps Create Jobs and Higher Incomes? Think Again...
Check out reason TV here for an economist's take on publicly funded sports stadiums. Above, a rendering of the future Twins stadium.
The new Twin's stadium is somewhat un-neccessary in my opinion. The dome works perfectly fine and the government can use the funding for other things then makeing a new stadium. Kelly Hour7
That is very interesting you would think that it would give more jobs but in reality it takes jobs away from people which actually has a negative effect on the city and the cities economy
The new Twin's stadium is somewhat un-neccessary in my opinion. The dome works perfectly fine and the government can use the funding for other things then makeing a new stadium.
Kelly Hour7
That is very interesting you would think that it would give more jobs but in reality it takes jobs away from people which actually has a negative effect on the city and the cities economy
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